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Who Gets What?

Oct 31, 2019

Composer, writer, critic, filmmaker, 19-year-old Ashton Gleckman is our guest today.

Mr. Gleckman's powerful and sensitive film, "We Shall Not Die Now," won the 2019 Heartland International Film Festival Audience Choice Award, Indiana Spotlight.  The film has compelling interviews with Holocaust...

Oct 20, 2019


to this Podcast

Unless you sincerely listen, for details, relationships in families, cost of education, income driven repayment, and how shopping at Aldis compares to seeking student financial aid.

Our guest is William Wozniak, Vice President of In Vest Ed.  Believe us, please.  This conversation...

Oct 16, 2019

Delil Baran and Dylan Grunn join us spontaneously while visiting Indianapolis for the world premier of their movie, "Whelm."

Arriving with their producer/ director/ writer Skyler Lawson (our immediately preceding interview), they chose to share about their craft, "living in the present," dealing with a...

Oct 15, 2019

Skyler Lawson released his first feature-length film, Whelm, at The Heartland International Film Festival.  

In this compelling interview, he talks about raising money, motivating cast and crew, the charm of a movie set in 1933 in his home town, Wabash, Indiana, and his goals for future productions.  

Listeners will...