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Who Gets What?

May 29, 2019

With pending termination of a national forestry act, The Indiana Forest Alliance is advocating protection and reforestation.  

Trees, it says, begin to solve the problem of climate change because they remove offending particles from the air.  Urban forestry both lowers temperatures and raises home values.  

And a...

May 22, 2019

Listen to the end, where you will hear a piano solo by Emmet Cohen, the 2019 American Pianists Award Winner.  For this, we thank our guest, Joel Harrison, President, CEO and Artistic Director, from whom we learn about The Jazz Competition, The Classical Competition, and his personal history managing the...

May 15, 2019

Experienced opinion-gatherer Jeff Lewis talks about two Indiana statesmen, Senators Bayh and Lugar, both having recently passed away.

Among topics are challenges facing polling organizations, how salience affects responses, whether the census (and, by extension, polling organizations) will find utility by using the...

May 2, 2019

Ray Moistner is Executive Director of The Indiana Hardwood Lumbermens Association which represents wood from start to finish:  planting, extracting, replacing, cutting, shipping, protecting and manufacturing into finish products.

Much here that John and Morton did not know:  that Indiana, for example, replaces 2.3 trees...

May 2, 2019

Carol Rogers helps to manage Stats America, used by more than 1 million persons a year to quickly find practical data for decision making.  

In Indianapolis, even up-to-the-minute pot hole data is available.

Data, of course, provides information, but not always answers.  Why, for example, is Indiana in the top three...