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Who Gets What?

Oct 30, 2021

Although Line Worker Chris Anderson has a regular line job in Indiana, he also goes from state to state, pole to pole, working to recover massive systems after catastrophic events.


Oct 22, 2021

Dr. Kurt Gossweiller, both dentist and medical doctor, describes business and personal elements of a dental practice.  

Oct 14, 2021

Rick Witsken,* long-term tennis player, coach, and entrepreneur, now a national professional pickleball champion, talks about the sport, its future, and the many business and recreational opportunities it affords.  

*Rick is brother of Todd Witsken, deceased, the best professional tennis player to emerge...

Oct 6, 2021

With initial help from actor/poet Michael Flanders (1950s) ("The umpire, upon whom, the sun never sets."), we hear from a man who spends 70 days a year calling tennis matches, including, until recently, the U.S. Open.

In addition, Jim VanSlambrook plays six musical instruments.  His band is Slammer Jazz.